Clingmans Dome Paved Walkpath
There is a paved trail that leads from the parking lot of Clingmans Dome to the actual lookout. Forney Ridge Trail comes into the parking lot from the south.
There is a paved trail that leads from the parking lot of Clingmans Dome to the actual lookout. Forney Ridge Trail comes into the parking lot from the south.
Sprouting north from Springhouse Branch Trail, Forney Ridge Trail climbs 5.5 miles to the parking lot of Clingmans Dome, the highest point in the Smokies. Before meeting Forney Creek Trail to the left, Forney Ridge Trail climbs Andrew's Bald, a famous scenic view in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.
Connecting Campsite #71 on the Forney Creek Trail to Campsite #64 on Noland Creek Trail, Springhouse Branch Trail winds 7 miles. Forney Ridge Trail heads north toward Clingmans Dome 4.2 miles from Forney Creek Trail and 2.8 miles from Noland Creek Trail.
This 11.4-mile trail climbs from the bottom of Bear Creek Trail near Lakeshore Trail to Forney Ridge Trail, just north of Andrew's Bald and south of Clingmans Dome. The first 0.4 miles connect the Bear Creek Trail with the Lakeshore Trail. Forney Creek Trail meets Whiteoak Branch Trail coming in on the right, 1.1 miles
At mile 3.1 on Lakeshore Trail, Forney Creek Trail branches off to the right. It is also 1 mile away from where Whiteoak Branch Trail branched off Lakeshore Trail to the right. After 0.4 miles on the Forney Creek Trail, Bear Creek Trail branches off to the left and covers 5.9 miles up-mountain. Bear Creek
Whiteoak Branch Trail goes off to the right of the Lakeshore Trail 2.1 miles in. It totals 1.8 miles, as it climbs from here to meet the Forney Creek Trail.
A 2.4-mile trail looping around from the end of Lakeview Drive to the 0.8 mile of Lakeshore Trail. To get to it, hikers must hike 0.4 miles in on the Tunnel Bypass Trail. From here, Goldmine Loop Trail goes 2 miles off to the right. Goldmine Loop Trail also leads back to Campsite #67.
This 1.6-mile trail bypasses the tunnel created for the proposed North Carolina Route 288. Goldmine Loop Trail branches off from Tunnel Bypass Trail 0.4 miles in and later connects back to the Lakeshore Trail.
Coming to the end of Lakeview Drive, Lakeshore Trail begins. Following the proposed route of the re-routed North Carolina 288, the trail covers 28.5 miles through wilderness alongside the shoreline of Fontana Lake. Starting from the road, the trail goes 0.6 miles through a tunnel carved in the mountain. From here, the trail meets Tunnel
Just before Lakeview Drive ends, Noland Creek Trail intersects it as the road goes over Noland Creek. Starting from boat-accessible Campsite #66, Noland Creek Trail goes one mile to the road. From the other side of the road, the Noland Creek Trail follows the creek up past Campsite #65 and climbs 4.1 miles to